Why refrain from change when Change is the only Constant.

Historically, winds changed the courses of ships and blew them to their destination. Humans wait for the seasons to pass, winds to change and bring rain to quench the thirst of mother Earth.
Yet, when we meet someone after years, we start questioning the fact, how can someone transform so drastically?  We never look for a reason of change but always question the change 
 As Heraclitus puts it, "the only constant in life is change". Yet change can appear daunting, destabilizing, even threatening. This is true for all sorts of change since it breaks patterns, habits, routine and put things into a new course of action.
Changes in any domain – cultural, political, social, economic and personal. It brings about disequilibrium. If we turn the pages of history, we realize that with every change, disruption, shift gave birth to a new revolution that embarked the humankind on a new journey which may change the manner of thought and their lives.
 The winds of change that put things into motion, from the revolutionary uprisings, colonial settlements and then the technological revolution that changed the way we live, relate and work.
The scale, complexity, and transformation that came across with each revolution in the history of evolution scared mankind. It is difficult for a human to break stereotypes, habits, and patterns to embrace the change to boost the metamorphosis.
People react to change in many different ways. Some may respond with fear while others may respond with denial. This resistance to change can be better handled if we knew the reasons why.
Rather than getting paranoid and being cemented in the shackles of a delusion of constant and habits, it's the time we should start embracing the change and nurturing them. The most crucial opportunities come on the path of change.
Its time we shift our gears by evolving our perception of change and embrace it by harnessing and nurturing our lives. The beauty of life remains in the imperfections and the lessons we learn in the moment of change.
Winds bring change, Change brings opportunity.
Let's follow the wind that may land the boat on unexplored lands, to explore, to create, to innovate.
Let's be bold, confident. Let's be fierce. Let's face forward, towards the future and shape our future with eyes wide open, eagerly.
We should sail ahead. Not be afraid.